So...I'm back. Apologies for the hiatus. Here's the deal:
I really really love to read's a great way to keep up with friends and I follow a number of blogs that give me great inspiration for cooking, couponing, decorating, shopping and basically life in general. However, I am not so great at blogging myself! It's my goal to work on this...Step 1: Always have my camera with me so that I can document the happenings of my life. Blogs are always better with pictures, right?
So...let's talk about two things:
Thanks to a little website called, I have embraced the world of coupons and free samples. This picture is of a few of the items I've received in the mail over the past week. I love getting the sample shampoos, deodorants, contact cleaners, etc. because they are perfect for travel! Probably the most exciting thing I got in the mail over the past week were the free Chipotle coupons. I called J the moment I checked the mail and we quickly nixed our plans to make porkchops and decided to hit up Chipotle. It was delicious and I love the fact that the food is always so fresh and that the company supports sustainability and food with integrity.
Speaking of food...I have recently stumbled upon a great site for recipes:
All the recipes on this site are healthy and DELICIOUS! I have made several of the recipes, including the pasta with asparagus pictured above. So far, I have tackled:
I have plans to make this for J on Thursday and I'm planning to take this to a 4th of July celebration on Saturday. Seriously, everything I have made so far has been simple and delicious. A fantastic combination!
That's all for now...I'll be back later in the week!