Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm back

So...I'm back. Apologies for the hiatus. Here's the deal:

I really really love to read's a great way to keep up with friends and I follow a number of blogs that give me great inspiration for cooking, couponing, decorating, shopping and basically life in general. However, I am not so great at blogging myself! It's my goal to work on this...Step 1: Always have my camera with me so that I can document the happenings of my life. Blogs are always better with pictures, right?

So...let's talk about two things:


Thanks to a little website called, I have embraced the world of coupons and free samples. This picture is of a few of the items I've received in the mail over the past week. I love getting the sample shampoos, deodorants, contact cleaners, etc. because they are perfect for travel! Probably the most exciting thing I got in the mail over the past week were the free Chipotle coupons. I called J the moment I checked the mail and we quickly nixed our plans to make porkchops and decided to hit up Chipotle. It was delicious and I love the fact that the food is always so fresh and that the company supports sustainability and food with integrity.

Speaking of food...I have recently stumbled upon a great site for recipes:

All the recipes on this site are healthy and DELICIOUS! I have made several of the recipes, including the pasta with asparagus pictured above. So far, I have tackled:

I have plans to make this for J on Thursday and I'm planning to take this to a 4th of July celebration on Saturday. Seriously, everything I have made so far has been simple and delicious. A fantastic combination!

That's all for now...I'll be back later in the week!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

under construction...

Please excuse the haphazardness of this blog! I am hoping to find time soon to figure out how to make it look pretty!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

beach getaway weekend

This weekend I escaped Ohio for the sun and sand of the glorious beaches of 30a!

It was great to see my family for a couple of days and spend some time soaking up the sun, eating some yummy food and reading this book (which was good, but not my favorite of Emily Giffin's books)

My trip was pretty short since I had to come back to Ohio for finals and work..luckily after this week I will be a on a break from classes until the middle of September!

Right now, I am about to head back to the airport to pick up Justin who has been in Colorado visiting a friend this weekend. I can't wait to see him!