Tuesday, July 20, 2010

84 things

After seeing this...I decided to make my own list.

  1. I don't like being the center of attention.
  2. I am learning to use my voice.
  3. I love to learn new things.
  4. I am quickly becoming an apple geek (thanks to the boyfriend).
  5. One year ago, I packed up all my things and moved 9 hours away from everyone I knew.
  6. I have fewer friends the older I get, but I adore the ones I have.
  7. I long to go to Romania and New Zealand.
  8. I will never get tired of short jokes (I'm 4'10'').
  9. I usually try to read too many books at one time.
  10. I am TERRIBLE at math.
  11. I am enjoying learning to cook. I like to think that I'm good at it.
  12. I am learning to like wine.
  13. I love to check things off a to-do list.
  14. I am in the process of becoming free from the struggles and burdens of my past (not an easy task).
  15. I love to take pictures, but I don't do it enough.
  16. I grew up in church, but every day I am learning more and more what it means to be. dependent on God and to have a relationship with Him.
  17. I love farmer's markets.
  18. I want a dog something fierce.
  19. My life is busy and ever changing, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
  20. I get extremely nervous around new people.
  21. It fascinates me that men can quote whole movies, even if they've only seen them once.
  22. I went to college in what I think is the most beautiful place in Alabama.
  23. I love reality TV (sick, I know!)
  24. I have an irrational fear of car washes.
  25. The grocery store is one of my favorite places (Publix....I miss you!)
  26. Dark chocolate is my vice.
  27. Ummm...pizza too!
  28. The beach is my happy place.
  29. I love to sing, but do so horribly!
  30. I would like to start running again.
  31. but this will have to do for now.
  32. I LOVE school supplies.
  33. I have finally found what I've been looking for in a church.
  34. I am very independent.
  35. I like to try things myself first and am hesitant to ask for help (little man syndrome).
  36. I am not so great with directions (thank goodness for GPS!).
  37. I now know how to drive in snow and ice.
  38. I constantly fight the "am I good enough" battle.
  39. I quit a job after 2 months when I first moved to Columbus.
  40. I love being able to work with children with disabilities.
  41. I love laughing.
  42. Couponing can be really exciting...and time consuming.
  43. I hate shoe shopping because my feet are so small.
  44. I want to be domestic as well as this lady does it!
  45. It's not a good idea to go to Babies R Us on a Saturday!
  46. This place is also a vice.
  47. Whenever I try get my haircut differently, it always looks the same as before.
  48. A year ago, I would have told you that I would never get married.
  49. I get more and more comfortable with the idea of marriage every day now.
  50. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
  51. Sometimes I wonder if this whole Ph.D thing is for me.
  52. Southern accents and sweet demeanors are especially handy outside the South.
  53. I cry. A lot. At everything, even TV commercials.
  54. I am selfish.
  55. I am a worrier.
  56. I am a planner.
  57. Moving away taught me that I can truly take care of myself.
  58. Moving away also taught me to appreciate my family more.
  59. Sometimes I don't finish a task before moving on to another (see #9).
  60. I want like to personally revive the written letter.
  61. I always try to tell people how much I appreciate them.
  62. To me, there are few things worse than a bad hair day.
  63. This movie changed the way I think about what I eat.
  64. Sometimes I say inappropriate things at inappropriate times.
  65. Although I love working with children, sometimes I wish I still work with adults with TBIs.
  66. I am thankful that my gives me the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives.
  67. Sometimes I think I'm still in college and stay up entirely too late.
  68. Ruth and Esther are my favorite women in the Bible.
  69. I have learned a lot about myself thanks to this lady.
  70. My initial thoughts about Ohio were that it was more "country" than Alabama ever thought about being! (I still think that quite often)
  71. I fall up the stairs a lot.
  72. I love to look at interior decorating blogs.
  73. I am a coffee snob.
  74. I am on a diet coke hiatus.
  75. I am very much a rules follower.
  76. I can be funny.
  77. I can be extremely air headed at times.
  78. My least favorite chore is cleaning the bathroom.
  79. I wish I were crafty, but there is not a single crafty bone in my body.
  80. Sometimes, I have road rage.
  81. Sometimes, I have a hard time distinguishing between my wants and needs.
  82. I have way too many clothes.
  83. Fall is my favorite season.
  84. Nothing is more peaceful to me than the sound of ocean waves.

1 comment:

  1. Julie- I ejoyed reading EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE. I especially liked and agreed with #18, #44 made me smile (a lot... thank you), I disagree with #54, and I do #64 ALL OF THE TIME!!! I love you my friend and I enjoy every single one of your blog posts. I think I may have to do this list for myself.
